Santa Maria in Aracoeli

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Proceding from the transept along the aisle towards the rear of the church.

Right Transept

Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament / Immaculate Conception
44e95678 44b87345 44c34789 44f87654 44d87456 44a96785
Chapel of St. Rose of Viterbo
22b45698 22f23456 22d79457 22a85678 22c85694 22e56453
Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi (Savelli Chapel)
PICT5157 19d87546 19c76587 19a23679 19b75347 19e98765
19f74569 19g23987 043-Pope Honorius IV 20a67543 21a86428 21b93856
50b76543 50a65347

Right Aisle, chapels and monuments

043-DSC_0063 48a34598 48b76934
Chapel of Sts. Lawrence of Brindisi and Paschal Baylon
PICT5183 18c84567 18b86734 18d54389 18a65345
Side entrance
17a86745 17b38746
Chapel of St Diego of San Nicolás
16a97456 16b74568 16c96543 PICT5180 16d97536
Chapel of St Peter of Alcántara
15c45678 15f64397 15d98346 15e39846 15a87358 15b40964
Chapel of St Matthew (Mattei Chapel)
043-Mattei-chapel 14e54376 14c23679 14d84672 14b93457 14a76456
043-CardAloisioMattei 043-GirolamoMATTEI
Chapel of the Crucifix (Conti Chapel)
13f83456 13a48786 13b98765 13d76849 13e23764 13c87563 043-Innocenzo_Conti_1
Chapel St Jerome (Delfini Chapel)
12d45678 12b84569 12c35797 12a86457
Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
11a65432 11g76587 11d23789 11c45678 11e67543
Chapel St Bernardine of Siena (Bufalini Chapel)
043-DSC_0065 10d33456 043-DSC_0066 10f45387
10b23458 10a54637 043-DSC_0068 10e84567

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